Monday 22 March 2010

Clarity Enhanced Diamonds - Good or Bad

Clarity enhanced diamonds are primarily a very good advance in the industry as it takes natural diamonds that have visible imperfections, which is not something that most people want in their diamond, an makes the diamond clearer and more sparkly. Consumers can enjoy real natural diamonds that look visibly flawless at a lower price without affecting the true value of the diamond. Most good jewelry manufacturers that offer clarity enhanced diamonds will offer a lifetime guarantee on the enhancement.
There are two types of clarity enhanced diamonds. The good treatment is a silicone based filling that can last a lifetime. The second, bad, type is a bromide based treatment that can fade and discolor over time. The trouble is being able to differentiate the good treatment from the bad.

As I mentioned in one of my older posts about CE diamonds, it is at the end of the day your choice, but it should be an educated one as there are serious advantages of purchasing a CE diamond, however it is important to know what and where to buy (just like everything else).

This is a checklist for you to make the right choice:

Good: Better clarity
Good: Better price
Good: Real natural diamonds
Good: Lifetime guarantee
Good: Silicone based clarity enhanced diamonds
Good: Reputable traders
Good: Certified diamonds

Bad: Not 100% natural clarity (psychological disadvantage)
Bad: Can be damaged
Bad: Bromide based clarity enhanced diamonds
Bad: Difficult to tell where the original flaws were
Bad: Non-reputable traders

If you have any questions at all about clarity enhanced diamonds or any other jewelry related issues, please feel free to contact me at


  1. All types of diamonds are looking perfect. Most good Diamond Jewellery manufacturers that offer clarity enhanced diamonds will offer a lifetime guarantee on the enhancement.

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